Monday 25 February 2013

Diary Entries #2...

Saturday 23rd - Monday 25th: On Saturday we went to the woods to film our sequence. We had one less person than needed so we re-scripted to take out our missing character. We also couldn't get an axe so we changed that bit as well. We managed to film all the shots we needed, with a few tweaks and a few extra clips. Unfortunately the camera we used had run out of battery before we finished filming but luckily I brought mine with me as backup. We came into lesson on Monday to look at the footage to start to edit and piece together, but we've found a few more things that need filming, because they either aren't the way we want, or some fault in the clip. We will be hopefully going back to the woods this weekend to film any that need to be redone. Also, a lot of our clips didn't follow our original storyboard because of difficulty filming and piecing it together. So within the time between now and when we next film the shots we need, we are going to remake our storyboard with why we can/can't do, and write a list of shots we need before we begin to film again.

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