Wednesday 16 January 2013

Opening Sequence Analysis...

This is the opening sequence to the American Thriller film, Panic Room
       In the opening sequence, they have decided to introduce the cast of the film and some of the crew that helped with the film by adding their names to some shots of New York. This also tells the audience straight away where the film is set without telling them.
       From this opening sequence we can gather that it is obviously set in New York, and although it doesn't say the exact date or year, the clothing and the look of New York suggests that it is set in fairly recent times. The film was made in 2002 and I can presume that it was also set at this time.
       The music of the beginning credits can suggest its a thriller film, with spine-tingling dark music that sets the mood, it changes halfway to a slightly more racy song, this can suggest some sort of action packed or crime type elements are going to be involved in this film.

   This is a timeline I drew out for the opening sequence of the film Panic Room. I stopped the video each time there was a name of the cast or crew and wrote it down on a timeline with what it said and the time it came up on. Below is a tilted version so it is easier to read...

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