Thursday 17 January 2013

Mindmap of film genre...

   This is a brainstorm mindmap of what should be included a film of a specific genre. The genre of film I chose was Horror, above are ideas of what should stereotypically should be in a horror film to tell the audience what type of film they're watching.
   I came up with the idea of filming a horror sequence because its the easiest and most effective genre considering the low budget and filming in a college environment. These ideas for a horror film are included in many horrors and these can be done in the environment I will be working in.
   The woods or an empty house are easy locations because they aren't far from the college, they are also effective locations because its gives the isolated feeling that the characters are hidden away from the public.
   Weapons are essential in a horror film because there's nearly always a 'bad guy' who wants to kill the characters. A knife and an Axe are the main weapons because they are more gory.
   In horror films there are always the stereotypical characters which I have listed above. In a Horror film there is always the bad guy, who is mainly a killer. There's usually the brave character who helps everyone and saves them. And finally there has to be the character who doesn't believe it's all real, they're wrong though. These are stereotypically in the majority of horrors.
   The visual parts that make a horror film would be the over-use of blood and dark lighting. This sets the mood and the blood points out that it is a gruesome horror film. There is most likely a high pitched scream somewhere in a horror film, this can show that it is meant to be scary.
   These are some of the aspects that I think should stereotypically be in a horror film because it separates it from other genres of film. These aspects may not be correct they are mostly what I would expect to see.

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