Wednesday 30 January 2013

Story board...

Before I plan even further for my film, using my script I had to draw out a storyboard to show what each shot will look like eventually when filmed, this is also to use as a guideline for when I am actually filming. Below are the final drawings for my storyboard, along with annotations to the side of each frame to clearly state what is happening in the shot and is also to direct how to film the scene:

Wednesday 23 January 2013

25 Word Synopsis...

   A synopsis is a brief description of the overall film that someone is making. It can be used to sell the film to a production company, and get them to be involved in it. 
It is said that its not a good film if it can't be explained in 25 words or less, and that it hasn't had much thought put into it. 
   This was our original idea for our 25 word synopsis: 
"A group of teenagers go camping in the woods, as night falls they hear noises coming from the trees. What happens next? Nobody knows."
   After we got feedback from our class for our synopsis we realised that it doesn't explain the actual plot of the film. Suggestions we had to make our synopsis better included the idea of is there going to be 'the last girl standing'? Or will everyone die? We would have to figure out our unique selling point and work our what does actually happen at the end of the film. 

   We found the feedback helpful and took on board what was said. We went back to think about our ending and the plot of the film and came up with another 25 word synopsis:
"A group of teenagers camp out in the woods unknown a killer is after them. Without help they have to escape their worst nightmares"

Thursday 17 January 2013


   This is a Moodboard for the film genre of 'Horror'. After choosing horror as the genre of film I'd like to do in the mind map, I used the ideas to make a mood board showing it visually.  A moodboard is a collection of images and ideas I chose to do horror film so this moodboard is to show what I would like to stereotypically like in my horror film. I have decided to do a horror film opening sequence, so prior to that I had to research horror films and what aspects to include. Before I made this moodboard I made a Mindmap with ideas of what I should include. This is a visual idea of what my mindmap suggested. I got all these images from Google and I put them all onto a powerpoint slide so I could rearrange them. I have added words describing what the images are to show you what it is I mean with the images.
   In my mindmap I said these are ideas which I would expect to see in a horror film, they aren't necessarily always in horror films. 

Mindmap of film genre...

   This is a brainstorm mindmap of what should be included a film of a specific genre. The genre of film I chose was Horror, above are ideas of what should stereotypically should be in a horror film to tell the audience what type of film they're watching.
   I came up with the idea of filming a horror sequence because its the easiest and most effective genre considering the low budget and filming in a college environment. These ideas for a horror film are included in many horrors and these can be done in the environment I will be working in.
   The woods or an empty house are easy locations because they aren't far from the college, they are also effective locations because its gives the isolated feeling that the characters are hidden away from the public.
   Weapons are essential in a horror film because there's nearly always a 'bad guy' who wants to kill the characters. A knife and an Axe are the main weapons because they are more gory.
   In horror films there are always the stereotypical characters which I have listed above. In a Horror film there is always the bad guy, who is mainly a killer. There's usually the brave character who helps everyone and saves them. And finally there has to be the character who doesn't believe it's all real, they're wrong though. These are stereotypically in the majority of horrors.
   The visual parts that make a horror film would be the over-use of blood and dark lighting. This sets the mood and the blood points out that it is a gruesome horror film. There is most likely a high pitched scream somewhere in a horror film, this can show that it is meant to be scary.
   These are some of the aspects that I think should stereotypically be in a horror film because it separates it from other genres of film. These aspects may not be correct they are mostly what I would expect to see.

Art Of The Ttile...

This is the credit sequence to 21 Jump Street.
   There are a lot of colours and images in this sequence. Some of this images have nothing to do with the film and other ones do. On each or most new images that appear, one of the cast or crews name will appear with it. Some of the images that appear when the actors name appears has some relevance to the character they played in the film. 
    The song that was used is a very current and modernised version on the original theme tune of the 21 Jump Street TV show. Its very catchy and ties in nicely with the film and the images that appear on the screen.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Opening Sequence Analysis...

This is the opening sequence to the American Thriller film, Panic Room
       In the opening sequence, they have decided to introduce the cast of the film and some of the crew that helped with the film by adding their names to some shots of New York. This also tells the audience straight away where the film is set without telling them.
       From this opening sequence we can gather that it is obviously set in New York, and although it doesn't say the exact date or year, the clothing and the look of New York suggests that it is set in fairly recent times. The film was made in 2002 and I can presume that it was also set at this time.
       The music of the beginning credits can suggest its a thriller film, with spine-tingling dark music that sets the mood, it changes halfway to a slightly more racy song, this can suggest some sort of action packed or crime type elements are going to be involved in this film.

   This is a timeline I drew out for the opening sequence of the film Panic Room. I stopped the video each time there was a name of the cast or crew and wrote it down on a timeline with what it said and the time it came up on. Below is a tilted version so it is easier to read...