Wednesday 13 March 2013

Final Cut...

Below is our final cut of our opening sequence for our horror film 'Watching'...

Diary Entries #8...

Wednesday 13th: Today me and Nadine finally finished our film opening. As our deadline was today we finished up any flaws and add titles and music etc. We hope our final outcome works well and is a success, but we are happy with it and are glad it was finished on time. I have put the video in the next post...

Sunday 10 March 2013

New Opening Ideas...

Location: We are still using the same location as we were originally going to use.
Props: We only needed 2 actors, a photography camera and a hooded jacket.
Script: We also decided to add suspense to a horror sequence, we used no dialogue.

Plot: It starts with someone holding a camera running from something in the woods, we don't see who it is or what they are running from. This fades out and we see a boy walking to the woods to take photographs, whilst he is walking we see a hooded figure in the trees, this cross cuts between the two people. We then see the boy through the eyes of someone, who in this case is the killer. After a while of this, the killer chases the boy through the woods. It ends there. We have done this according to the feedback we received for our previous footage that said it should look more like a horror film.

Diary Entries #7...

Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th: We went to go and film what we needed to on Saturday, there were many problems with this... 2 of our actors couldn't do it, they tried to but it was impossible for them to turn up. We had two more people in mind, but they were busy also, this was a major problem and we didn't know what else to do considering everyone else we asked were busy. The only solution we came up with was to change the story line altogether, although its very last minute, we struggled to work out a way to film what we were originally going to. The next few posts will be what we have decided to do and all the information needed...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Diary Entires #6...

Wednesday 6th March: Today in our lesson, as stated in my previous post about my Rough Cut Feedback, we showed our class the footage we edited together, we know what we need to do because we didn't like any of our footage and we know we need to refilm, we had to show them our clip because it shows progression in our work, and shows how we can learn from feedback and criticism from our classmates. They told us what we already know we had to do, so we defiantly know that this is what we need to do etc. to make it look better and fit together to make the storyline we would like.

Rough Cut Feedback...

Wednesday 6th: Today we showed our rough cut if our opening sequence to our class (rough cut in previous post). We know what needed to be done but we got feedback to improve on it from our class that goes as follows:
Need more titles to establish its a film opening;
Establish genre more quickly/use conventions of thriller/horror more explicitly;
Use title correctly;
Maybe use of point of view shots to suggest being watched;
Set the scene better - establish shot
- dialogue - why are they there?.

We re going to take in account what has been said about our footage, and keep it all in mind when we refilm to make sure that we make the best opening sequence we possibly could.

Rough Cut...

Monday 4 March 2013

Diary Entries #5...

Monday 4th March: In our media studies lesson we knew that having no footage would be difficult as our rough cut hand in is on Wednesday, so, we used what footage we had even though it wasn't good and wouldn't go together, we put it together as we would have if we had good clips. As a result of this, we found out that it would be difficult to film what we want, and get it to be edited together the way we want to, so we're changing our mind on the way it's going to be filmed. We are going to keep along the same script and actions, etc, but instead of filming like a film, we are going to do it first hand. Like in films like 'cloverfeild' and 'blairwitch project' this will be filmed as a home video by the character of Evie. This slight change will make it more effective, and more 'horror-like' and will make it easier to edit as it will flow a lot better. We will hopefully be filming on Saturday and editing as much as possible on Monday.